Dear Lady:

I don't think that there are too many women who if it were in their power to change their husbands, to take the urge to dress out of them would not do so. But if this change would mean that all of the things we like about our husbands that are in some way connected or motivated by TVism, I am sure many of us would have second thoughts.

I have found a very loving and gentle husband who is very help- ful around the house, be it cooking or house cleaning, who is very knowledgeable in fashion and a very good friend as well as a husband.

I believe that because of his dressing urges I receive a certain amount of benefits. He looks, when he dresses, like a pretty girl and after all it is only a temporary change of looks not much different from a Shriner or a Moose or whatever who dresses up in strange costumes complete with secret handshakes. I do not feel that my femininity is threatened by my husband's hobby, on the contrary, I feel a little flattered.

Ours is a good marriage and part of the reason is that my husband is this way he is, whatever it might be that makes him so, and I am thankful.

I think you will find the more understanding you have for your husband, the more he will have for you, and your relationship cannot help but improve with that!

Dear Virginia:

Best wishes,

Mary Ann

Enclosed please find my completed Proof of Purchase form and please accept this note as my request for an application for member- ship in the Tri Sigma Sorority. I am thrilled with this opportunity to become a member.

I read Understanding Cross Dressing. I read it several times, and